In 2018, I created a short film about queer people’s first experiences with porn titled PORN YESTERDAY. It was included in the 2018 HUMP! Film Festival and won the Jury Award. Since then, I’ve filmed over 70 interviews on 4K video in preparation for a docuseries about queer coming of age.

Below are shorts I’ve created as a “proof of concept” for the series. A selection of these shorts have played at festivals around the world including Outfest (LA), NewFest (NYC) and Frameline (SF) as well as Provincetown International and many others. In 2021, 4 FRUIT BITES was included in the Frameline Voices short film collection. In 2022, Fruitbowl was selected as a Seattle CityArtist grant recipient.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can see new videos as they are released! - DAVE QUANTIC, FRUITBOWL CREATOR